"Time of my Life", the fourth single by Rob Lea is out now! Following the Alt-Rock track "Freak", Rob's new studio release is full of life and energy and delivers a simple message, Live your life and have fun doing it.

After seeing increasing success over the past 6 months, Rob is giving us what he describes as his best song yet!
This song is very personal to me. I’m one of those people that will not stop. I am determined to create a better life for myself, my kids and my family. And even through the endless struggle and rejection life throws at you, I carry on, because I know in my heart I can die a happy man knowing I’ve give it my all. That said, as I’ve grown I also see more and more how fleeting time is. So I try harder and harder to give myself that time to enjoy life. But boy, am I gonna party when I can’t hack it anymore.
"Time of my life" follows on from Rob's previous studio releases. Rob introduced himself with a piano led ballad "Reflection", before taking us to the beach with his chilled summer indie-pop song "Summer in the Morning." Rob's previous single introduced us to his Rock influences with the Alt-Rock Anthem "Freak."

"Time of my Life" tells a familiar tale, as Rob sings about how he plans to have a good time when he eventually finishes the work he is doing. We all know that the work never stops, but Rob injects hope into his lyrics with the thought that when the work does stop, the party begins!
"This song is for all the grafters out there. Those that work to the bone providing for their families or striving to make a better life for themselves. The ones who have to miss out on having fun like everyone else because they’ve got a 9am deadline, or have to work overtime. Our time will come when the work stops and God help the World when we show up for the first round!" - Rob Lea
"Time of my Life" is available on all streaming platforms. For full list of where you can listen and download Rob's new single - CLICK HERE.